Epaflex Polyurethanes Spa - Società Unipersonale - Cap. Soc. € 1.000.000 i.v. - Sede legale: L.go Isabella d'Aragona 4, 20122 Milano.
Registro Imprese Milano 02144860968 - Rea Pavia 260624 - Rea Milano 1512571 - P.I. 11965210153 - C.F. 02144860968
Machines with a clamping pressure of no less than 150 tons and injectors with three-stage screws of a diameter between 40 and
60 mm, and an L/D ratio between 20:1 and 30:1 are recommended for injection moulding.
The use of screws with a diameter exceeding 65 mm and/or with a high compression ratio is not recommended.
In order to avoid thermal degradation of the product (local overheating of the material), it is essential to eliminate all the
possible points where stagnation may occur and check that the nozzle is heated in a uniform manner for its whole length.
• Excellent physical and mechanical properties
• Good resistance to oils and fats
• Food approved grades
• Good resistance to yellowing
• Quick cycle times
• Excellent dimensional stability
• Ease of extraction
• Excellent definition of mould design
• Easy moulding in many colours
• Excellent flexibility even at very low temperatures
• Excellent tensile and tear strength
• High impact resistance
• Excellent scratch resistance
• Good acoustic insulating properties
• Excellent vibration absorbing properties
• Compatibility with other polymers
• Recyclability
TPU is a hygroscopic polymer and the moisture absorbed affects its processability and the physical-mechanical properties
of the moulded articles.
The granules must, be dried before use by using fan ovens,vacuum driers or dehumidifying air driers.
The percentage of moisture in the granule must be less than 0.05%.
Like TPU, any masterbatches should also be dried separately before being mixed. For the drying parameters (time and
temperature) please see our technical datasheets. The exposure of the TPU to the air for even just a few hours means
moisture absorption and forces pre-drying once again.
Epaflex TPUs must be stored in a dry place at a room temperature preferably around 20° C and in any case not at a
too high or too low temperature preferably in a ventilated, cool room.
Epaflex TPUs come in various packaging such as: 25 kg aluminized or vacuum bags and 600 kg. or 1000 kg. octabins.
Epaflex TPUs can be coloured with masterbatches.
Specific TPU-based masterbatches are recommended.
Like TPU, masterbatches should also be dried separately from the TPU before being mixed with it.
Processing waste and scraps can be re-used after having been re-granulated. In this case, it is worth checking the absence of
impurities and ensuring that the product has not undergone heat degradation.
The re-granulated product (like virgin TPU) should always be dried before being re-used.
We suggest using re-granulated TPU blended with fresh granules at a percentage of no more than 25%.
• Casual soles
• Safety shoes soles
• Inserts
• Mechanical items
• Industrial components
• The mining industry
• Consumables
• Wheels, rollers
• Transmissions
• Transport
• Agriculture and gardening
• Automotive components
• 2K moulding
• Compound
Via Circonvallazione Est, 8, 27023 Cassolnovo PV, Italy
T. (+39) 0381929521
F. (+39) 0381929523
Epaflex Polyurethanes Spa - Società Unipersonale - Cap. Soc. € 1.000.000 i.v. - Sede legale: L.go Isabella d'Aragona 4, 20122 Milano.
Registro Imprese Milano 02144860968 - Rea Pavia 260624 - Rea Milano 1512571 - P.I. 11965210153 - C.F. 02144860968