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    Contract Manufacturing

    Development services and contract manufacturing

    Epaflex CASE division can offer, thanks to its experience and know-how, a customizable and professional service of development and contract manufacturing of polyurethane adhesives, systems, polyureas and prepolymers. 
    We can take care of multiple different steps of the process such as raw materials procurement, fine-tuning of formulations, pilot and industrial scale production, packaging, warehousing and delivery.

    We are active globally, with a strong presence in Europe, Americas and other geographies. Our key values are flexibility, speed of response, quality, reliability, protection of intellectual property, confidentiality, and on-time delivery. We strive to deliver high quality services wherever we operate, to meet customer needs in a professional way and we pride ourselves on ensuring an outstanding level of confidentiality.

    We have state-of-the-art know-how and technology, and we use them to offer high quality solutions and manage complex projects to deliver tailored solutions to our customers.
    Epaflex CASE division is proud to be among the market leaders and is committed to continuous improvement to be able to meet ever-evolving requirements of customers and partners.

    Our “tailor-made” service

    We can offer a tailor-made service to meet needs of customers who invested in R&D to develop their formulations and are looking either for a pilot scale production or a full-scale industrial production on our assets. We can take care of the full production process to ensure the quality of the products manufactured.

    Our “co-manufacturing” service

    We can offer this service to customers who have one idea and want to shape it into a finished product, working side-by-side with us since the very beginning.
    We can support each stage of the process, from initial development to the industrial production, thanks to our teamof very experienced and skilled professionals and to our customized and cooperative approach

    Our “turnkey solutions” service


    Our “turn key solutions” manufacturing service gives our customers the possibility to chose a product out of our portfolio of market-ready solutions, and to customize them with the packaging needed. We can supply high quality products quickly and reliably. This service lets our customers focus on marketing and sales of their products and leaves all other non-core activities to us.

    Production capability

    8 Reactors for prepolymers


    5 Blenders for polyols


    2 Mixing unit for additives


    3 Pilot reactors


    Other services we offer

    • R&D support

      Epaflex has state-of-the-art equipment and highly skilled associates in its R&D labs. We can therefore offer a wide range of support services when it comes to developing new products or re-formulating existing ones and to ensuring compliance with technical standards and EHS regulations. We can manufacture pilot scale batches for field scale evaluation of new products and formulations. Working this way, we can detect very early any production or quality issue and therefore address them. Our priority is to work very closely with our customers, to provide customized solutions

    • Raw materials procurement

      Epaflex can offer a raw materials procurement service to its customers for contract manufacturing services. We are active since more than 30 years in polyurethanes and thanks to our experience we can carry out a very accurate evaluation of potential suppliers and of the raw materials needed, to be sure that products manufactured by us will meet our customers’ requirements.

    • Preparation of technical information

      Epaflex can prepare full and accurate technical dossiers about the products manufactured in its plant and can ensure compliance with technical standards and EHS regulations. Our very skilled technical team will ensure completeness and accuracy of the documentation provided. We strive to offer a quick, reliable high-quality service to meet your needs in full.

    • Packaging

      We offer a wide range of packaging options and possibilities, including customized high quality labelling. Our key strength is the advanced technology used in our assets, that enables us to be fast and reliable, no matter the batch size.

    • Logistics

      Thanks to our 30.000 m2 storage areas we can offer a warehousing and logistics service for the products manufactured in our plant. Our highly skilled and very careful operators will organize storage and shipment in a safe and effective manner, to ensure that goods will be delivered on time, in full and in good condition.

    Do not hesitate to contact us for more detailed information on our contract manufacturing service



    Via Circonvallazione Est, 8, 27023 Cassolnovo PV, Italy



    T. (+39) 0381929521

    F. (+39) 0381929523


    Epaflex Polyurethanes Spa - Società Unipersonale - Cap. Soc. € 1.000.000 i.v. - Sede legale: L.go Isabella d'Aragona 4, 20122 Milano.
    Registro Imprese Milano 02144860968 - Rea Pavia 260624 - Rea Milano 1512571 - P.I. 11965210153 - C.F. 02144860968

